Media Events

Back in 1916, the tide gauge in the Tidal Observatory on the South Pier began to send readings of the tide levels in Newlyn to the Ordnance Survey in Southampton. Five years later, in 1921, these were averaged to determine Mean Sea Level – this remains the basis for all height measurements around mainland Great […]
Stormy Weather

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the tragedy of the Solomon Browne Lifeboat with a flotilla of lifeboats in a procession of sail to Penlee Point on Monday 30th August. This was one of many occasions when the lifeboat and its men risked everything to save a boat in distress. On the morning of […]
St Peters Players disbanded
It was with great sadness that Patrons of St Peters Players learned that the motion ‘The St Peter’s Players, Newlyn be formally disbanded’ was carried at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 15 August 2018. The Newlyn Archive contains the papers, programmes and photos that document the history of this remarkable group which has entertained […]