Newlyn Fish Festival 2018

It was fitting that one-time Ordnance Survey man Ray Lloyd represented the Newlyn Fish Festival in 2018, the year the festival was cancelled due to major renovation work in the harbour. Ray decided he would represent the Fish Festival so that its record should remain unbroken since it started, and the Harbour master sympathised and gave Ray the spot to erect his stall.









Around the corner from Ray, the Admiralty Boathouse was open for the launch of the new Archive book, ‘ The Newlyn Tidal Observatory’. The many visitors to the archive enjoyed wonderful cakes provided by Sue Cockram and were able to get their new book autographed by the team that had produced it. The book (price £8) is now available to purchase on line using the Paypal facility. Do get your copy if you have not done so already.
Picture: Left to right: Pam Lomax (editor), Linda Holmes, Richard Cockram, Frank Iddiols and Ron Hogg (authors).